Honey Cake for Rosh Hashanah

Honey Cake Recipe for Rosh Hashanah

I’ve barely touched my blog since moving home from Israel to New York – it’s so easy to get swept up in life here! But Rosh Hashanah, which is early this year, is fast approaching and so I’m snapping out of my summer blog hiatus to bring you this incredible honey cake recipe from Cook in Israel: Home Cooking with Orly Ziv (the cookbook that I photographed). Honey is traditionally eaten on Rosh Hashanah to signify a sweet new year, and honey cake can commonly be found on Jewish tables around the world this time of year. I’m not always a huge fan of honey cake, which can be quite dense, but Orly’s version is light and spongy with lots of wonderful honey flavor that’s not overly sweet. Continue reading “Honey Cake for Rosh Hashanah”

Fourth of July Recipes Round-Up and Blog Hop

Buttermilk fried chicken

I just moved back to New York after three years in Israel, and so it feels appropriate that my first blog hop home be a celebration of America. I loved my time abroad, but it certainly made me appreciate a lot about the US, and my husband and I are happy – and very ready – to be home. I’ve always enjoyed the Fourth of July with its fireworks and festivities. We used to sneak up to the roof of our apartment building to watch the big show, and I’ll always remember the cool whip-frosted cake decked out with blueberries and raspberries to look like an American flag, that my mom made one year to bring to a party at a friend’s house. Continue reading “Fourth of July Recipes Round-Up and Blog Hop”

Father’s Day Recipes Round-Up and Blog Hop

Steak with Mushrooms and Onions

With Father’s Day this weekend I thought I’d do a recipe round-up and blog hop of Father’s Day recipes. Since I inherited my love of food from my father, it seems only appropriate to offer a food-based homage. Growing up we’d go grocery shopping together, and then I’d stand in our tiny Manhattan kitchen observing as he minced garlic, crushed plum tomatoes, and made spaghetti. I learned to always save some pasta water to add to the sauce (it helps it stick) and to finish cooking the pasta in that sauce. I learned to sear meat on the stove before transferring it to the oven, and I ran away in terror as my dad took live lobsters from the bathtub to the huge pot on the stove. Continue reading “Father’s Day Recipes Round-Up and Blog Hop”

Easter Lamb Chops with Mint Gremolata and Lentil Salad

Lamb chops with mint gremolata and lentil salad

I have to admit that Easter isn’t such a big deal in my house any more, but growing up it was the best. Decorating and then finding eggs, baskets of candy – what’s not to like for a child? But if I were to do an Easter dinner, I’d probably serve something traditional like these (gluten free!) lamb chops. I don’t cook or eat lamb often, but I’ve acquired a taste for it in recent years and occasionally splurge at my local butcher. I marinated the lamb in mustard, lemon and rosemary but they’d be just as good just seasoned with some salt and pepper and grilled.


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Apple-Date Charoset and a Passover Recipes Blog Hop

Apple-Date Charoset and other Passover Recipes

Although I didn’t grow up celebrating Passover, I’ve been attending seders since I was 14, first with friends’ families then, for the past 12 years or so, with my husband’s family. It was love at first seder. Back at my first Pesach I was still an awkward, picky eater of a teenager, and as the charoset (haroset) passed by I put a dainty spoonful on a piece of matzo. But one taste of the apple-walnut mixture had me scrambling for seconds and it’s been one of my favorite components of the holiday ever since. It’s definitely kid-friendly, and delicious even if you’re not in the market for Passover recipes (check out the last paragraph for some ideas on how to put it to use).


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Vegetarian Braised Cabbage and a St. Patrick’s Day Blog Hop

CabbageI don’t believe I have a drop of Irish blood in me, and I don’t feel Irish come St. Patrick’s Day. But I can appreciate having a day to celebrate Irish culture in whatever way you see fit. For me, of course, that’s with food. Lots of Irish recipes, especially by way of America, are quite heavy and meaty so I wanted to do something simple, vegetarian, and budget-friendly. Enter braised cabbage, sans bacon (I know, sacre bleu!). All it takes is a head of cabbage (one of the least expensive vegetables I know), a knob of butter, a bit of broth and salt and pepper.


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A Valentine’s Day Round-Up and Blog Hop

Tropical Valentine's Day Cocktail

It’s that time of year! I’m not a fan of how commercial Valentine’s Day feels, but I also can’t really hate on any holiday that celebrates love. Growing up my dad would get my sister and I each a small, heart-shaped box of truffles from our favorite local chocolate shop, Lilac (it’s still in business, thanks goodness, and even has a location in Grand Central). My mom got the large box. All of us would savor the candies, sometimes taking only half a bite and returning the other half of the box for later. We showed a remarkable amount of self-control for children, but really we just had the foresight to spread out the enjoyment over a period of one or two weeks.

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Shortcut Red Beans and Rice for the New Year

Red Beans and Rice

The theme for this month’s World on a Plate is auspicious foods for a prosperous year. Since I represent America in this global get-together, the first thing that came to mind was Hoppin’ John, the famous southern dish of black eyed peas and ham hock. Being short on time and ingredients, I settled instead on a Cajun-inspired shortcut red beans and rice with smoky andouille sausage. Feel free to soak dried beans overnight, but if you need a quick supper this recipe is your answer. Continue reading “Shortcut Red Beans and Rice for the New Year”

Guest Post: Scallops with Carrot Ambrosia and Winter Pesto

Seared Scallops with Carrot and Pesto from Shut Up and Cook

With Christmas already over (how did that happen?!) and new years fast approaching, it’s a busy time of year for all of us. Now add into the mix the fact that four of my best friends are visiting from the States (!!!!!!!) and we’ve got me in pure roadrunner mode. Fortunately, I have great friends to step in and give me a hand – like Erina from Shut up and Cook! The Attainable Gourmet. (You may recall that I did a guest post over there not too long ago.) It’s perfect since the friends visiting went to college with Erina and I – it all feels very full circle. Anyway, Erina has brought us some amazing looking scallops to ring in the new year, which is perfect since scallops are one of the foods I miss most from home! Without further ado, I give you Erina:

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Leek, Potato, and Feta Pancakes and a Fried Food Blog Hop

Leek, Potato, and Feta Pancakes

I still can’t get over the fact that it’s December. But here it is, and Hanukkah (Chanukah) starts tomorrow evening, in all it’s fried glory. Being in Israel for the holiday means sufginyot (jelly donuts) everywhere, latkes on the cover of every food magazine, and huge menorahs around town. My favorite, though, is sticking my head out the window on the first night of Hanukkah and smelling the frying oil in the thick, greasy air. It’s fried food heaven, and it’s glorious. Continue reading “Leek, Potato, and Feta Pancakes and a Fried Food Blog Hop”