Guest Post: Cinnamon Bun Cake

Cinnamon Bun Cake
Cinnamon Bun Cake

When Miriam of Israeli Kitchen asked me if I’d like to do a guest post on her wonderful blog I was truly honored. Miriam has lived in Israel for 33 years and is full of knowledge about Israeli and kosher cuisine. She makes her own dandelion beer and fruit wine, bread and flavored oils. Miriam loves markets as much as I do and warmly welcomed me into the world of Anglo food bloggers in Israel. We’d been emailing for almost a year before we finally had the chance to meet in person at a dinner with cookbook author Gil Marks, and were really able to spend some quality time together at the Sommelier Wine Expo in Tel Aviv. She’s even coming to visit in Be’er Sheva (as soon as the trains are back up and running!) to see what our shuk has to offer. Continue reading “Guest Post: Cinnamon Bun Cake”

Guest Post: Bacon, Vegetable, and Ricotta Quiche

When Kim from Cravings of a Lunatic asked me to do a guest post on her lovely blog, there was only one answer: Of course! I’ve admired Kim’s blog for some time. It’s written in a funny, candid voice and is full of inspiring recipes. Having recently become blogging buddies, I can also tell you that Kim is a thoughtful, supportive individual, the kind that you’re lucky to have in your corner. We spent some time considering what recipe to include and settled on one that Kim herself would never post: quiche. Kim hates eggs and is lactose intolerant so this egg-based quiche with ricotta is definitely a recipe her readers wouldn’t otherwise get from her! It’s just too bad she can’t try it (head to her blog for the recipe). Continue reading “Guest Post: Bacon, Vegetable, and Ricotta Quiche”

Pumpkin-Ginger Bread

Tis the season for all things pumpkin! If you are looking for a quick Thanksgiving breakfast, snack, or dessert, this pumpkin quick bread is perfect. After making pumpkin granola I had exactly the right amount of pumpkin puree leftover for this recipe, which is Fall in a loaf pan. I adapted the recipe from an awesome blog that I’ve only recently discovered called Skinny Taste, and she asserts that this is low fat – I’ll take her word for it! The recipe calls for just egg whites, which gives the already moist bread a light and airy quality that is just lovely. The main change I made was adding my own spices rather than pumpkin pie spice, and it resulted in a lovely, super gingery flavor. The pepitas on top lightly toast when baked and add a nice textural element. Chocolate chips would also be killer in this. Continue reading “Pumpkin-Ginger Bread”

Secret Recipe Club: Pumpkin Granola

I’ve been meaning to make granola for months. I eat it for breakfast almost every morning with yogurt and honey, so why not make my own? I knew it was easy, I just somehow never got around to it. Luckily, the Secret Recipe Club gave me just the kick in the butt I needed. Each month members are assigned another blog and must make one recipe. It’s been a fun opportunity to discover new blogs and dishes. Continue reading “Secret Recipe Club: Pumpkin Granola”

Applesauce Cake with Pomegranate Glaze for Rosh Hashanah

The celebrations for Rosh Hashanah, or Jewish New Year, begin tonight. This year we’ll miss having dinner with my family and the in-laws, ringing in the new year together (yes, both sides of the family celebrate together – how cute is that?). Instead we’ll be in Israel, enjoying a small potluck feast with our friends, who become the closest thing to family in a foreign place. I developed this recipe for parve Applesauce Cake with Pomegranate Glaze for the Jew and the Carrot this year and loved it so much that I’m making it again to bring to Rosh Hashanah dinner. Please check out the original article (full of fun facts and information) on the Jew and the Carrot! Continue reading “Applesauce Cake with Pomegranate Glaze for Rosh Hashanah”

Chocolate-Cherry Babka

When my editor at the Jew and the Carrot (the food blog of the Jewish Daily Forward) asked me if I’d be interested in writing an article about babka, there was only one answer – YES. Babka, for those who have been sadly deprived, is a yeasty bread that is rolled around a filling (typically cinnamon or chocolate), stuffed in a loaf pan, and baked. It’s decadent and yet as appropriate for breakfast as for dessert. Yet somehow it seemed beyond my reach to make it at home. And in New York, when you have Zabar’s why bother? I was thrilled to learn it’s incredibly easy to prepare. Even better, most recipes make two to three loaves, which you can freeze and enjoy later. Continue reading “Chocolate-Cherry Babka”

Stone Fruit Tea Cake

Is there anything better than stone fruit season? Peaches, nectarines, cherries, plums, apricots – what beautiful abundance! Their appearance signals the start of summer, the onset of warm weather and all the carefree fun that comes with it. Barbecues, beaches, picnics, and pools. Outdoor concerts, muggy nights, ice pops, and laying in the grass. Long, sunny days. A welcome rainfall. No school. Watermelon and fried chicken. Stone fruit. Biting into the ripe, sweet fruit, the juice dripping down your arm, sucking on the pit. Summer. Continue reading “Stone Fruit Tea Cake”

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins

Who doesn’t love lemon poppy seed muffins? I do, but I’ve never thought to make them. The inspiration for these came from a new place. This is my first month participating in something called the Secret Recipe Club. It’s organized by Amanda over at Amanda’s Cookin’, and each month participants are assigned another member’s blog to make a recipe from. It’s a fun chance to check out new blogs and make new recipes. I was assigned to Connor’s Cooking (be sure to visit her great site!) and allowed to pick any recipe I wanted to make. Although there are lots of great recipes, this one called out to me. Continue reading “Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins”

Challah French Toast

Monday evening marks the start of Pesach, or Passover, and with it comes a week without yeast or leavened bread. In New York it’s business as usual. But in Israel, the supermarket supplies of flour, bread, and chips began to dwindle the first week of April. Bars won’t serve beer. Take a moment to process that one. And observant individuals thoroughly clean their homes (sort of an imposed Spring cleaning) and rid the kitchen of any chametz, or items not deemed Kosher for Passover. Continue reading “Challah French Toast”